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Industries and Workplaces That Would Benefit From the Use of Air Disinfection Systems

Posted on November 11, 2020 Industries and Workplaces That Would Benefit From the Use of Air Disinfection Systems

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, organizations need to look for effective ways to sterilize their immediate environment if they want to get back to the ‘new normal’ in these uncertain times.

In industries and workplaces, making use of air disinfection systems has become imperative to keep the indoor air healthy and safe at all times.  A UVGI air disinfection system can provide you with the means to effectively tackle bacteria, viruses (like Coronavirus), spores, fungus and more, thereby safeguarding the health of all – employees, customers, clients, vendors etc. , Let’s look at what a UVGI air disinfection system is and how it helps destroys pathogens.

A] What is an UVGI Air Disinfection System and How Does it Destroy Pathogens?

A non-chemical technology, Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) is an electromagnetic radiation that uses short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms. This UV air sterilization helps to kill microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, yeast, bacteria and mould and is widely used for air purification, especially in HVAC applications.

The high energy UVC light radiated by the UVGI system is absorbed by the cellular RNA and DNA of the microorganism, thereby causing structural damages that prevent the microorganisms (even Coronavirus) from reproducing and infecting. The best partis that it leaves no residual by-products, which makes it an optimal system for indoor air disinfection.

Further reading: How UVGI Air Disinfection Systems Can Help Fight COVID-19

B] Why Is There A Need For Air Disinfection Systems?

Air Handling Units (AHUs) have cooling coils which are the heat exchangers where heat and mass transfer take place. These coils are constructed from closely spaced aluminium fins that are attached to rows of copper tubes, which increase the airside surface area, thereby leading to more heat transfer. Over time, with humidity and moisture, it promotes microbial growth resulting in the formation of Biofilms.

Biofilms along with the closely spaced fins make the cooling coils susceptible to airside fouling, which, in turn, when released into the main airstream impacts the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) making the environment more conducive for microorganisms to reproduce quickly.

With the UVGI air disinfection systems, you can easily prevent the spread of microorganisms as they attack the root cause of the problem by destroying the existing biofilm. This stops the growth of bacteria, virus, mould, fungus, and mildew on the coil by 99%, thereby substantially reducing airborne pathogens.

Likewise, airborne contamination circulates through the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems impacting the health and wellness for your employees and customers alike. They can trigger and/or exacerbate allergies and asthma. Worse yet, these microorganisms move on the air currents and get distributed all over the premises, causing respiratory ailments, headaches, flu and more. Plus, when someone coughs or sneezes millions of virus or bacteria spew through the air, which also infects surfaces like chairs, tables, doorknobs, etc causing cross-contamination.

With the Alfaa UV ULTRADUCT solution for HVAC systems, businesses can not only improve indoor air quality but also eliminate cross-contamination. This air disinfection system can also target specific bacteria as per requirement. Plus, by reducing the load of live organisms, it helps increase the life of HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air).

C] Which Industries Can Benefit From UV Air Sterilization?

1. Hotels and Food-Retail Chains

With the reopening of hotels and food-retail chains, business owners need to invest in effective technologies that not only help with rapid sanitization, but also instil a sense of trust amongst their customers. While giving priority to social distancing and regular disinfection & sanitization of surfaces and equipment, they also need to keep their HAVC systems clean, including cooling coils, drain pans and other wet surfaces, which will prevent the spread of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Hotels & Food Retail Chains

  • It reduces the spread of air contamination in a closed setting.
  • It prevents cross-contamination.
  • It improves the efficiency of your HVAC systems.
  • It helps save energy costs.

2. Shopping Malls and Retail Chains

These two are another areas that see a huge influx of customers. Poor air ventilation in crowded malls/retail chains can lead to an unhealthy environment causing unexplained headaches, congestion, flu, which in today’s scenario can be potentially catastrophic. Here a UVGI air disinfection system for shopping malls/retail chains can help to create a safe and comfortable environment for shoppers through the distribution of sterilized air.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Shopping Malls & Retail Chains

  • It helps reduce the microbial counts by >15 %.
  • It eliminates Sick Building Syndrome by destroying pathogens.
  • It improves indoor air quality.
  • By eliminating manual cleaning, UV air sterilization system will increase the life of the coil in an HVAC system.

3. Hospitals and Laboratories

The recent pandemic has put the frontline workers (hospital staff) at considerable risk. Airborne microbiological contamination can infect not only the patients but also the healthcare workers. Thus, while hospital-acquired infections have always been a problem, the fight against the alarming and growing threat imposed by the Coronavirus has further exacerbated the issue.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Hospitals & Laboratories

  • It helps render hospitals and laboratories microbiologically clean.
  • It helps destroy the high-levels of airborne and surface bio-
  • Apart from reducing nosocomial bacterial infections, UV disinfection systems will also help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

4. Educational Institutions and Schools

Sanitation & disinfection of air plays a major role in providing staff, students, and visitors in educational institutions, schools, colleges & universities with a safe & healthy environment. There are issues with regards to air quality and circulation in classrooms and other rooms with no windows. Here, UVC lamps in air conditioning & ventilation systems and in-duct UVGI can help create a safe and hygienic environment, which will help to not only reduce the spread of COVID-19 but also other related illnesses for years to come.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Educational Institutions & Schools

  • Eliminates harmful airborne pathogens that pass through HEPA filters providing continuous protection.
  • Destroys up to 99% of biological contaminants in a single pass.
  • Improves indoor air quality (IAQ) and eliminates unpleasant odours.

Further reading: Stero-360 UV Sterilizer to Prevent the Spread of Coronaviruses in Classrooms, Once Schools Reopen

5. Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry

Providing an extra layer of safety to pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry, UV air disinfection systems not only offer protection against harmful pathogens, but it also dramatically reduces infectious outbreaks, thereby ensuring the safety of workers and disinfection of work areas; from production to packaging.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Sector

  • It provides a microbefree
  • It is chemical-free and leaves no residue or odour.
  • It is a long-term economical option with minimal maintenance

6. Commercial Spaces and IT Parks

Many commercial spaces and IT parks make use of the UVGI air disinfection systems as they are the most cost-effective way to disinfect the air and surface of any indoor environment. The UVGI solution is available for both on-coil and in-duct applications, and it virtually captures and destroys all microbes, thereby preventing further proliferation and offering thorough air sanitization across all indoor spaces.

Benefits of Air Disinfection Systems for Commercial Spaces & IT Parks

  • It offers up to 99% reduction of viruses, bacteria, and mould on irradiated spaces.
  • It offers protection against infections and deadly viruses, including the novel Coronavirus.
  • It helps decrease the likelihood of acute disease outbreaks.
  • It is a highly effective solution for optimally disinfecting offices, commercial spaces and others, hence providing greater health safety for all employees.

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