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Trust Germ Zapping Stero-360 UV Sterilizer to Prevent the Spread of Coronaviruses in Classrooms, Once Schools Reopen.

Posted on September 1, 2020 Trust Germ Zapping Stero-360 UV Sterilizer to Prevent the Spread of Coronaviruses in Classrooms, Once Schools Reopen.

The protection of children and educational facilities is particularly important. Precautions are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in school settings; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus. It is important to remember that COVID-19 does not differentiate between borders, ethnicities, disability status, age, or gender. Education settings should continue to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and supportive environments to all.

Almost 38 million students and 4 million staff attend the 5,00,000 public and private schools each day in our country. At any given time, each of those people are susceptible to various types of illness, many of which are communicated through the air. With the 2020-2021 school year already in motion with online education being offered by schools and colleges, there is still a remarkable amount of uncertainty as to whether or not schools will be open in person this academic year. The solution to this problem will not be universal. While the Government is pondering about getting schools to return in person soon, every state and the local system will respond differently based on their local resources, infection rates, and populations.

Keeping Schools Safe – The Basics

Making classrooms safe requires basic protective supplies like masks for all teachers and students, heightened sanitation and cleaning practices, and comprehensive best practice policies to protect the health and safety of students and teachers alike. With reduced occupancy, students would be able to space their desks out to comply with social distancing guidelines. Mandatory temperature checks will be practiced across the country while students and teachers who feel ill will strongly be encouraged to stay home. Teachers will also require ensured healthcare and paid sick days so they are able to stay home if they feel ill.

Before COVID-19, schools and colleges were being cleaned on a regular basis, but those measures simply won’t be enough when they re-open. To meet the demands of the new normal, it is absolutely necessary to update the existing maintenance protocol by including additional measures for the disinfection of schools and colleges, besides following rules of social distancing, wearing of masks, and hand hygiene: before, during, and after school.

Challenges while disinfecting the premises

To ensure that school premises are safe, it becomes mandatory to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness but at times it becomes difficult to maintain the protocols.  Especially challenging are the following situations:

  • Cleaning of every corner of the room before the class resumes
  • Proper sanitization of washrooms, libraries, staff rooms, assembly halls, and food pantries.
  • Cleaning the floor daily with chemical disinfectants and making sure it’s done before & after the school operations are carried out in order to avoid contamination.
  • Maintaining a cleaning schedule, outlining how each item needs to be cleaned, who is responsible, and how frequently it happens.

As the spread of COVID-19 isn’t decreasing but in fact, is increasing in many countries including India, there is a need to keep surfaces free of the droplets that spread the virus.

STERO-360: An effective UV Disinfection Tower for schools

In a bid to solve this problem, ALFAA UV has introduced STERO-360 – Room and Surface UV Sanitizer, an enhanced line of UVC sanitizers, to help fight COVID-19 more effectively. A UV sterilizer that is powerful, yet convenient to use, is the perfect choice for ensuring the safety of every individual within the school premises. UVC has become the new buzzword in disinfection during COVID times. Many establishments are turning to UV Disinfection as a method of Sanitizing facilities rapidly to instill safety back in the premises. Ultraviolet Lamp radiation of 254 nm wavelength must hit the microorganism to inactivate it, and each microorganism must absorb a specific amount of energy (dosage) to be destroyed. Proteins and nucleic acid, which all microorganisms contain as their main constituents, absorb UV radiation energy. After absorption, the UV energy destroys or inactivates the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), thus preventing the microorganisms from reproducing.

STERO-360 UV Sterilizer Machine

  • STERO-360 is a new line of specialized UV Sterilizer machines that can eliminate more than 99.99% of bacteria and viruses on contaminated surfaces within minutes. This rapid pace of disinfection makes it ideal for disinfection during non-school hours.
  • The STERO-360 UV sterilizer comes with a pre-set functionality, which ensures that the device is placed at an ideal location in a given space, each time.
  • The STERO-360 is a high-performance mobile UV sanitizer with 6 high-intensity, UL-certified UVGI emitters (Ozone free).
  • The STERO-360– UV disinfection system involves minimal human intervention adding to safety during operation.
  • STERO 360 is easy to install, operate, and handle, resulting in easeful operation by staff members.
  • The STERO-360 is a mobile UV room sterilizer that is conveniently portable from one room to another, due to its suitable dimensions.  This is the reason why it is also a great option for the sanitization of hospitals.
  • Surface disinfection happens without directly touching any object, thus ensuring the least chances of STERO-360 getting contaminated in any way.
  • The STERO-360 is safe for usage, can be controlled by any Wi-Fi enabled device including smartphones; the interface is easily understandable and eases in choosing the right disinfection cycle.
  • The STERO-360 is also equipped with an integrated data logger, allowing each disinfection cycle to be easily recorded.

Watch the video on how STERO-360 works.STERO-360 UV sterilizer lamp device is highly efficient due to its mobility and compact size. Moreover, with its strong power cords and internals, it has the capacity to run continuously all day.   Protective goggles, glass shields, and PPE are required to operate this portable UV room sterilizer in case of manual intervention, or else it can perform on its own and can be scheduled & set up with a timer.

Call us today on 9833516650 / 8879336026 to know how STERO-360 is being used by commercial establishments to make schools virus-free, or visit here and leave us a message.

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