Paediatricians around Pune city are busy as a result of a sudden increase in cases of students coming with fever, enlarged tonsils, sore throat, and redness. Adenovirus, which affects youngsters more frequently than adults, is attributed by experts for the increase in cases. Currently, about 70% of sick children are presenting these classical symptoms of adenovirus. Tests have also confirmed the presence of adenovirus in swab samples in some of these patients. School children in the 5-15 age group are among the worst affected,” says senior paediatrician Dr. Sanjay Mankar. The spread of the extremely infectious adenovirus often increases in the late winter. In close-contact environments like daycare centres, creches, and schools, infections are frequent. Experts suggest that air purification in enclosed rooms employing UVC light technology can aid in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
Adenoviruses are a family of viruses that can infect different parts of your body in varying degrees of severity. Dr. Jonathan Grein claims that Adenovirus is a family of viruses. There are more than 60 types of Adenoviruses. A wide range of ailments, including bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, conjunctivitis or pink eye, among others, can be brought on by them. Respiratory systems are most frequently impacted by adenovirus infections. Despite the rarity of severe sickness, adenoviruses can cause mild to severe illness. Adenovirus infections can cause serious illness in those who already have respiratory or cardiac problems; have compromised immune systems; or both. Infections from these viruses can occur at any time of the year since they don’t have a “season” like other viruses (the flu, for example).
Adenoviruses are often transmitted from one person to another through:
Close physical contact, such as shaking hands or touching surfaces that have adenoviruses on them. Coughing, sneezing and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands, can spread the infection.
Some adenoviruses can be transferred through a person’s faeces, such as when changing a baby’s diaper. Although less often, adenovirus may also spread through water, such as in swimming pools.
Particularly in those with low immune systems, the virus can occasionally be shed (released from the body) for a considerable amount of time after an individual recovers from an adenovirus infection. Even while the individual can still transfer adenovirus to other people, this “virus shedding” typically takes place without any symptoms.
The usage of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) air purification technique for the inactivation of viruses is being driven by the rising prevalence of infectious illnesses. The respiratory transmission by droplets and aerosols, the faecal-oral transmission through water, food, and environmental surfaces are the primary transmission mechanisms for lethal viruses such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus, Influenza virus, and Enterovirus. Control methods for inactivating such viruses have undergone substantial investigation in an effort to lower the risk of infection from virus infection. The application of the UVGI air purification system on microorganisms is particularly effective at wavelengths of around 253.7 nm. In 1942, the introduction of air purification using the UVC light method in schools significantly decreased the transmission of measles, chickenpox, and mumps.
The following steps s can be taken in order to prevent the transmission of these viruses as they are typically passed from person to person through the air, through close physical contact, or by touching surfaces.
• Keeping your distance from ill patients
• Using soap and water to wash your hands
• Not touching your mouth, nose, or eyes
• Getting rid of germs, from surfaces like sinks and countertops
• Adding UV air purification systems to HVAC systems help prevent the spread of viruses
Indoor environments may be sanitised using UVC light with wavelengths of 254 nanometers, which are the most efficient in killing hazardous germs like Adenoviruses. At the dose stated below, germicidal ultraviolet (UVC light) surface disinfection will render these viruses inactive.
The need for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems has increased over the past several years due to the growth of businesses, commercial buildings, offices, hotels, schools, hospitals, and other establishments. HVAC systems offer an improved indoor climate and appropriate indoor air quality. There is a risk of cross-contamination since mould, fungi, bacteria, and viruses may develop in HVAC systems and spread throughout the building via air ducts. The solution to this issue is UVGI air purification (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation), which employs UVC light trays to eliminate any bacteria that may be present within the building. By installing a UVGI system in the HVAC, you may improve indoor air quality and occupant safety.
The cooling coils of the AHU are where heat exchange occurs; mass and heat are transferred here. Closely spaced aluminum wings make up cooling coils, which are joined to rows of copper tubes to enhance the airside surface area while enhancing heat transmission. In front of the coil, an appropriate UVGI air purification system may be installed to help remove biofilms and eliminate microbes and viruses including corona viruses.
Alfaa UV’s UltraCoil and UltraDuct UVGI air purification systems can also be installed in the ducts of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and irradiate the small airborne particles containing microorganisms as the air flows through the ducts.
Alfaa UV’s ULTRACOIL ensures deep cleaning of coils in the safest and most eco-friendly way. There is no worry about damage to methods. Alfaa UV’s ULTRADUCT solution provides assured single-pass disinfection of airborne bacteria and viruses. It is installed in supply or return ducts. The UltraDuct also increases the life of HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) by reducing the load of live organisms.
STERO-360 UV Sterilizer
With over 2 decades of expertise in UV technology, ALFAA UV has introduced STERO-360 UV Sterilizer for commercial spaces, which is an enhanced range of UV sanitizers, to help fight airborne diseases more effectively. The Stero 360 UV Sterilizer is an effective solution for sanitising surfaces in rooms.
It is chemical-free, powerful, and extremely convenient to use, making it the perfect choice for ensuring the cleaning of contaminated surfaces, thus ensuring people’s safety.
To ensure the well-being of students, schools can rely on UVGI technology. It is the best air disinfection system that gives all-around protection for children, and staff staying within the premises of the building. To know about how we can help you create an Adenovirus-free space, call us today at 9833516650 / 8879336026 or visit us at UVGI Air Disinfection.
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