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Boiling Water vs Water Purifier – Which is the Ideal Water Purification Method?

Posted on June 21, 2016 Boiling Water vs Water Purifier – Which is the Ideal Water Purification Method?

Boiling water is the oldest and most widely practiced household water treatment method used for water purification. The main purpose of boiling water is to kill germs that are present in it. However, while boiling water is a time-tested practice, it has limitations. Also, there are other water purification methods available that are more effective, easy, and convenient.

Which is better – boiling water or using a water purifier? If you want to know the answer, then continue reading.

A] Boiling Water – Things You Should Know

1. What Gets Removed When You Boil Water?

Typically, boiling water helps remove micro-organisms that can’t withstand high temperatures. It doesn’t, however, remove dissolved solids or any other chemicals and impurities. Also, to avoid recontamination, it is advised to drink boiled water within 24 hours.

2. Is Boiling of Water Enough to Purify it?

When drinking water is heated, little bubbles appear, which indicates that it has reached its boiling point. This begins the process of disinfection by heat. For thorough and complete disinfection of invisible water-borne bacteria and viruses lurking in the water, a minimum of 20 minutes of continuous boiling is required. So, in practical terms, while people believe that water is purified once boiling begins, it may not actually be true.

Secondly, boiled water needs sufficient time to cool before it can be consumed. During the process of cooling and subsequent handling, there is a high chance of recontamination, especially if our hands or the utensils are unclean. In tropical climates, bacteria breed at an amazingly fast pace, and the boiled water at the point of actual use may be contaminated despite boiling for 20 minutes.

3. Does Boiled Water Taste Better?

Another limitation with boiled water is that it develops a “flat” taste. This is because the dissolved oxygen in the water is released in the form of bubbles. Also, there will be no change in the taste, especially if the TDS levels are high. Plus, from a safety angle, handling of boiling water can sometimes lead to burns and serious injuries.

4. Does Boiling of Water Remove Contaminants Such as Chlorine & Lead?

While heat is a great disinfectant, boiling water does not remove physical suspended impurities like dirt, dust, mud and free particles of rust, which needs an effective filtering mechanism. Also, boiling water will not remove chemical impurities such as free chlorine, nor will it effectively separate the dissolved impurities such as lead, arsenic, calcium, magnesium salts, and nitrates.

5. Does Boiling Water Remove Minerals?

No. Generally speaking, boiling water can help to kill the harmful bacteria in drinking water. Other than that, even if the water’s temperature rises over 100 degree Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), it doesn’t remove any minerals.

B] Purified Water – Things You Should Know

1. What is Purified Water?

Water (groundwater or tap water) which is mechanically filtered or processed to remove impurities, chemicals and micro-organism is called purified water. A water purifier can make your drinking water pathogen-free. However, since there are several water purification methods available, which to choose among them would depend on the water source in your area.

2. What Are The Benefits of Purified Water?

Compared to boiled water, purified water using a water purifier is safe, easy and convenient to use. By making purified water easily accessible, it helps to improve the health of your entire family and promotes a healthy immune system. Increased intake of purified water helps speed up metabolism, which aids in weight loss and enhances your skin’s health.

A water purifier also helps reduce your dependency on bottled water, which can help you save money. Plus, it helps reduce plastic footprint, which invariably has a positive impact on the environment.

3. What Are The Different Ways to Purify Water?

Thankfully, technology today plays an important role in providing effective water purification solutions. The flip side is that when it comes to the best water purifier for home there are many options to choose from, and people are simply confused. Should I buy a RO or a UV water purifier? Or should I go for RO purifier with storage? Let’s look at the facts and some options.

  • UV Water Purifiers

UV water purifiers in the market today do a good job of disinfecting water and also filtering the suspended impurities, besides reducing free chlorine. UV water purifiers work best for water that is supplied by your municipality but may have become contaminated along the way or in your underground/ overhead tanks.

In such an instance, a 5 stage UV water purifier is the most economical, effective, and convenient solution. Since there are many products available, look for a company that is a specialist in this field and provides reliable after-sales service, because servicing of any water purifier is important, if water quality is to be maintained.

  • RO Water Purifiers

In the event that your drinking water is groundwater and supplied by tankers from bore wells, the TDS (total dissolved solids) may be high and if it exceeds 500 ppm, then using an RO water purifier may be the best answer. Once again check the options and remember that service plays a critical role in its effectiveness.

Different Types of Water

When it comes to purchasing a water purifier, understanding the type of water supplied to your home is the starting point. Getting a simple TDS test done can point you to the right solution. Most companies selling water purifiers can help you with this. Based on the water quality and type of impurities present in your source water, you can decide on the best technology.

If it’s mainly microorganisms in municipally treated water that you are worried about, go for a 5 stage UV water purifier such as the Ewater – UV home water purifier by Alfaa UV which is India’s only purifier that offers a 5 step purification process.

best uv water purifier


On the other hand, if your water is hard with high TDS (above 500 ppm), and the taste is undesirable, go in for an RO water purifying system. For instance, something like the fully automatic Dewdrop RO Water purifier which offers 7-stages of purification with SS UV + BIOGUARD + TDS Control.

best RO water purifier
Going in for a combination of technologies such as RO+UV+UF because you believe that more is better is not only a waste of your hard-earned money, but also promotes wastage of water, when it is not required. (RO water purifiers send 70% of water down the drain as reject water).

Boiled Water vs Water Purifier – Which is the Best Option?

While boiling water is a traditional water purification method, investing in a water purifier is a cost-effective solution from a long term perspective. Also, from a health perspective, a water purifier helps not only to remove microorganisms but also helps eliminate physical impurities, chemicals, and other contaminants, thus providing you with clean and pure drinking water at all times.

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Comments ( 1 )

  • Thanks to today’s technology and we can have safe water. RO is very beneficial.

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