India is water-stressed – the demand for water is expected to exceed supply by almost twice by 2030. This is truly an area of concern, which begs the question – how can we build robust water infrastructure in India? Not many know that wastewater can be reliably turned into reusable water. Although water is a renewable resource, it takes a long time for nature to remove toxins via evaporation and rain. Fortunately, the process is much faster using modern wastewater treatment technologies which can provide safe and reusable water.
Governments around the world are taking a variety of steps, investing in various projects, and passing legislation for water conservation. One such exciting initiative by India is the Ethanol Blended Petrol Programme (EBP Programme). Ethanol has been made since ancient times by the fermentation of sugars. Ethanol after proper treatment can be combined with petrol. Anhydrous ethanol, that is, ethanol without water, can be blended with petrol in varying quantities to reduce the consumption of petroleum fuels, as well as to reduce air pollution. At a time when fuel prices are fast rising, mixing ethanol in automotive fuel can result in cost savings and also protect against climate change: a win-win situation.
Water is used in almost every industry, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automobiles, textiles, food processing, automotive, textile, electrical and electronics, hospitality, and the list goes on. Chemical, physical, organic, and biological materials – collectively known as effluents contaminate the water and make it unfit for direct discharge into the environment. Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a system that removes the above-mentioned effluents from industrial wastewater and cleans it up so they can be safely discharged or reused. ETPs are also often used in ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) plants which further reduce the requirement for fresh water in industries thus preserving the natural environment.
Wastewater disinfection takes place after primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary wastewater treatment. It is usually the final step to remove biological contaminants from the treated water. Disinfection stops the spread of waterborne diseases by reducing the number of microbes and bacteria to safe levels. Wastewater contains high levels of microbial contamination and must be disinfected before being released into the environment. Although modern membrane-based wastewater treatment processes like MBRs reduce this load to a certain extent, technologies such as ultraviolet irradiation (UV) and chlorine are the most common methods for disinfecting wastewater. The problem with chlorine is that it provides insufficient protection against chlorine-resistant microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium, Guardia, and viruses. Further, it causes corrosion of plants and buildings which reduces effective plant life making it very expensive in the long run. It also alters the pH of water, making it unsuitable for reuse applications such as irrigation.
Recognizing the potential adverse impacts of chlorination governments around the world is encouraging the use of alternative disinfection methods. UV (ultraviolet disinfection) has long been known to be a powerful disinfectant. Unlike chlorine, UV does not produce disinfection byproducts and is non-toxic. Over the last two decades, the knowledge base and installed base of UV disinfection plants have exploded. For example, conventional wisdom ten years ago held that ultraviolet light was ineffective against Cryptosporidium (a protozoan pathogen). Today, we know that UV is very effective at inactivating Cryptosporidium (even more so than chlorine).
Image credit: Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
UV disinfection of wastewater is safe, non-toxic, and can be monitored in real-time using well-designed UV intensity sensors and monitors. In wastewater, the presence of suspended matter, oily substances, and humic acids all absorb UV-C energy therefore these systems are designed for peak flow rate and lowest UVT (UV transmission) of wastewater. Further, the UV reactor hydraulic design, UV lamp types, and other factors all affect the performance of the reactor.
Alfaa UV provides wastewater disinfection solutions for municipal, industrial, and recreational water applications. The WWR series, an ISO 9001:2000 certified company and a leader in its field. Alfaa UV has been disinfecting water for pharmaceutical, food, beverage, and other industrial applications to the highest standard to address the growing need for a reliable & environmentally responsible way to disinfect and reuse wastewater in these water-starved times.
UV technology for water disinfection has become a popular choice worldwide. The major reason for this is because of its affordability and UV as an alternative to traditional chlorination is preferred not only for wastewater disinfection but also for process water disinfection among others.
The uncontrolled release of chlorinated compounds into the environment has created a global issue. In keeping with trends in developed countries and taking a responsible step forward to safeguard the environment, Alfaa uses environmentally friendly UV technology for wastewater disinfection and industrial wastewater treatment.
Trihalomethanes and other toxic chlorine by-products are known to cause cancer in humans. When used for gardening, reused wastewater along with these carcinogenic compounds make their way into the subsoil and water table. When this water is pumped through borewells and used for drinking these carcinogens put you at risk.
Moreover, chlorinated water with concentrations greater than 5 mg/l causes severe damage to most plants and as such should not be used for gardening and landscaping purposes with first dechlorinating. UV wastewater disinfection is a natural, chemical-free process that produces no trihalomethanes or carcinogens.
Chlorine disinfection creates operational and logistical hassles such as repeated procurement, storage, handling, dilution and mixing. It requires constant attention and supervision. UV wastewater disinfection system utilises no chemicals, works online, requires no supervision, and minimal maintenance.
Sodium Hypochlorite or “liquid chlorine” is expensive, with high running costs and associated handling costs. UV wastewater disinfection system is cost-effective with payback periods in most cases less than 2 years.
Partner with Alfaa UV to experience the benefits of working with a professional industrial wastewater treatment company. We are a full-service environmental company that deals with a wide range of waste streams. Our bulk wastewater treatment facility employs industrial wastewater treatment methods that are effective, safe, and environmentally friendly.
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