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Common Monsoon Diseases: Reasons and Preventive Measures

Posted on June 27, 2018 Common Monsoon Diseases: Reasons and Preventive Measures

Monsoons are here and so are waterborne diseases that come as an unwelcome gift with this season! The onset of monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat of summer, but it also makes one susceptible to a host of waterborne diseases.

The most common water-related diseases associated with monsoon are malaria and dengue, and gastrointestinal infections such as gastroenteritis, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, and hepatitis (Jaundice). The World Health Organization says that every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of water-related diseases.

Most of the victims are young children. Common symptoms include high fever, nausea, and vomiting, which can become life-threatening if ignored. Apart from the biological reasons why these diseases flourish in monsoon, there are some other reasons that you should be aware of.

Monsoon Diseases: Reasons Why They Flourish

  • Puddles of Rainwater: Rainwater is the perfect breeding ground for germs, which, in turn, leads to waterborne diseases that affect a lot of people. After the first showers, the weather becomes very humid and humidity increases the rate of bacteria multiplication resulting in a sudden spike in infections like conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, fungal infections of skin and hair, cholera and even Hepatitis.
  • Water Logging: Accumulated dirt on roads, trees, buildings get washed into drains and seep into the ground. This gets sucked into water pipes when lines are opened, which contaminate the potable water lines which run parallel to the sewage lines.
  • Stagnant Unclean Water: Contaminated rainwater also exposes your skin to waters carrying the urine of animals, which can lead to leptospirosis.
  • Flies and Mosquitoes: These breeds actively during the monsoon and spread diseases after feeding on the al matter or carrying viruses.
  • Weaken Immune System: Sudden changes in temperature and humidity compromises the immune system, which, in turn, becomes more susceptible to disease.

These factors are often beyond our individual control. No matter what steps civic bodies take to provide clean water to its citizens during monsoon, individuals have to play their part and purify their drinking water using the best water purifier for home before consuming it to ward off water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, hepatitis and cholera.

Common Diseases During Rainy Season

Airborne Diseases

  • Influenza: This is a contagious airborne disease which spreads through coughs or sneezes. Symptoms of Influenza include fatigue & weakness, aching muscles, sore throat, nasal congestion, persistent cough

 Mosquito-borne Diseases

  • Malaria: The most common rainy season disease, symptoms of Malaria include body ache, chills, high fever and sweating.
  • Dengue: This common monsoon disease caused by mosquitoes lead to headache, rashes, high fever and low platelet count.
  • Chikungunya: This is also caused by mosquito bites, resulting in fatigue, high fever, chills and acute joint pain.

 Waterborne Diseases

  • Cholera: Consumption of contaminated food & water can lead to Cholera, and its symptoms include low blood pressure, dry mucous, muscle cramps and rapid heart rate.
  • Diarrhoea: Symptoms of diarrhoea include bloating, nausea, abdominal cramps, loose watery stools and/or blood in the stool.
  • Typhoid: This too is caused by contaminated food & water, and some of its symptoms are weakness, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain and prolonged high-fever.

Prevention of Waterborne Diseases

It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. If one follows preventive measures, then such potentially life-threatening water-related (waterborne) diseases can be kept at bay. Thus, some of the preventive measures for waterborne diseases include;

  • Avoid wading in rainwater or going out during a heavy downpour. If you must, either wear gumboots and remember to wash the area of contact with soap and water as soon as possible.
  • Personal hygiene can be intensified during this period. One thing is to keep skin clean and dry. Washing hands often throughout the day can spell the difference between prevention and disease.
  • Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Check your living space for any hotspots of contamination eg. air conditioning trays, flower pots, vases, and choked drains. If there’s a pond near your premises, then breed Gambusia fish as they reduce the chances of mosquito breeding. Alternately, call the municipal authorities for fumigation.
  • Use effective mosquito repellent while going out and cover windows with mosquito nets.
  • Our digestive system becomes weak during this season so one should avoid eating spicy, fried and junk food as these have heated thermal effect on our bodies and make us feel lethargic and sluggish.
  • Keep food covered. Flies look harmless but are carriers of serious waterborne diseases such as Typhoid and Cholera.
  • Avoid street food which is uncooked or exposed. Drink warm water and strictly avoid untreated water, or water/ice from unknown sources.
  • Make that important decision about investing in a home water purifier for the safety of your loved ones; during the monsoon and every day. Consider a water treatment option based on your water quality. UV Water Purifier is excellent and ideal for water treated and supplied by the municipality. When the water is from underground sources such as borewells and is high in TDS making it hard and unpalatable, then consider RO Water Purifier.


What Are the Most Common Monsoon Diseases in India?

As listed above, the most common monsoon diseases in India are cold & flu, influenza, malaria, dengue, leptospirosis, stomach infections, typhoid, jaundice, cholera etc.

How to Stay Safe from Mosquito-borne Diseases This Monsoon?

To keep you and your family safe from mosquito-borne diseases during the monsoon season you can use mosquito nets in the house as well as apply mosquito repelling creams inside the house and before stepping out of the house. Maintaining proper hygiene at home and around the house is also important. Plus, ensure that stagnant rainwater is not collected anywhere in the vicinity of your home.

How to Stay Safe from Waterborne Diseases This Monsoon?

While we have provided you with a list of tips for prevention of waterborne diseases, here are a few more helpful suggestions that can keep you from harm; make sure to always thoroughly wash fruits & vegetables before consumption. Get your children vaccinated and include immunity-boosting foods in your diet. Also, get the civic authorities to close open drains & potholes in your locality.

How to Stay Safe from Airborne Diseases This Monsoon?

Some of the precautionary measures to stay safe from airborne diseases during monsoon are; ensure that your home and office is well-ventilated. Read about UVGI Air Disinfection Systems. Wash your hands and feet thoroughly once you enter your home. While sneezing and coughing, make sure that you always cover your mouth and nose. Avoid touching your nose & mouth without sanitizing and washing your hands. Also, wearing a mask, when you step out of the house, is another most vital necessity today. Plus, drink warm water and keep away from individuals who are already infected.

What are some of the other general health & wellness tips to avoid sickness during the rainy season?

Maintain a strict personal hygiene routine and sanitize often. Keep yourself hydrated and drink purified water for good general health and well-being. To reduce the risk of viral infections, avoid visiting crowded places (maintain social distancing).

Eat fresh homemade food and ensure you have a balanced diet that includes foods which provide essential vitamins & nutrients and help you to improve your immune system. All vegetables and fruits need to be thoroughly washed and boiled (veggies) before eating. By following these tips and safety measures, you and your family can enjoy good health in the long run.

Read more: Monsoon Health Tips: Simple Do’s & Don’ts to Stay Healthy

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