HiFlo series (HF)
Category : Industrial, MunicipalHigh powered UV systems designed for higher flow rates across applications.
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Paint industry needs to follow stringent standards for product quality. All ingredients need to be added in right quantity and all must be of highest quality to get that desired shade of the colour.
Small change in ingredient will change the quality of the end product. In paint making process water is also very important ingredient along with pigments, solvents, resins and various additives. Water based latex paints are often used by individuals for painting their houses. The water in these water based latex paints must free of toxins, pollutants and microbes. Only UV disinfected purified water should be used in this colour making process. Only highest quality water will give that desired colour shade and quality. It also improves life of the paint. Alfaa is at work disinfecting and purifying every kind of water, across markets and applications. With its outstanding track record in the UV business covering drinking, process, and waste water segments, Alfaa has become an undisputed leader with the distinction of being the application experts in UV.
High powered UV systems designed for higher flow rates across applications.
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Ultraviolet light is proven to be a cost effective method for reducing microbial contamination in water. As such, U....Read More
Ozone can come from a variety of sources, and often serves as an important component to a comprehensive water purif....Read More
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